Welcome to the UNISON Mungo Foundation blog

This blog has been created to keep UNISON members employed by The Mungo Foundation (TMF) informed of any discussions and negotiations taking place with our employer.

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Friday 24 June 2011

Personalisation Networking Meeting

Arising out of the current crisis in learning disability services in Glasgow brought about by a bastardised version of personalisation UNISON and Defend Glasgow Services have called a meeting for those affected by the issues. The meeting will be an opportunity to discuss what is happening and how workers, service users, carers, families and activists can work together. Whilst focussed on the current experiences in Glasgow the meeting may well be of interest to those from other areas facing similar issues.

The meeting is not a rally, rather a chance to share news, tactics and information. If you have an interest in personalisation please consider joining us on:

7th July 2011
10 am
14 West Campbell St
G2 6RX

UNISON members letter

Dear Member

We are writing to update you on a number of matters. Please take note of the following and when you are finished with this letter why not share it with a non member and encourage them to come on board.

Glasgow Housing Support Services

UNISON met with management on 22 April in the Joint Consultative Committee. During this meeting we expressed significant concern about communication and consultation with regards to what is happening in GHSS. A full and frank discussion took place following which we wish to draw the following points to members’ attention:

• The personalisation process being run by Glasgow City Council is not about tailoring services to best fit service users’ needs; instead it is primarily about saving money. UNISON is working with carers, families and service user groups to challenge what is happening and has a campaign networking meeting planned for 10am on 7th July at UNISON House, 14 West Campbell Street, Glasgow G2 6RX aimed at those who want to take the fights against the cuts forward.

• Service user involvement in design of support packages - there is strong evidence to suggest that service user involvement in determining their package and needs has been patchy and in some cases completely lacking. We think it is important that staff flag this up with managers and record where they are concerned that support packages are not appropriate to the service user’s needs.

• Over the last week staff have been called in to meetings to discuss workplans. We are concerned that staff were not offered the right to representation and it has been agreed that from 27th June onwards members will be advised of their right to be accompanied. At these meetings many staff have been shown workplans involving a reduction of hours and split shift working. It is inevitable that the move to more tailored services will have an impact on staff and our discussions with members indicate that there is an understanding of this. However, workplans must be reasonable, equitable and fair whilst recognising different people have different domestic and other pressures which should be accounted for. UNISON is clear that members should not agree to a reduction in their contracted hours unless they are content with this. Members should also be explicitly clear whether they have issues with the workplan being suggested to them or not. If you are not comfortable doing this yourself then you should arrange to be accompanied by a UNISON representative.

• With regards to shifts and working patterns these need to be reasonable and practicable. Workers are entitled to a decent life away from work and it is for the organisation to deliver sustainable work patters whilst also offering more flexibility to service users. If the Mungo Foundation fail to get this right then staff will become burnt out and ultimately leave which will have a detrimental impact on service users. UNISON intends to keep a close eye on this and we would welcome members keeping us advised of how the workplans develop.

• In summary if you are unhappy with your proposed hours or workplan speak up now with UNISON representation and support. If you do not it is likely you will be deemed to have accepted the changes!!


We remain stuck in an impasse with the Mungo Foundation, you our members have voted clearly to seek a pay rise and they are emphatic they can’t afford one. So far they have declined our request to meet with the Board, we will keep pushing for this and look at other ways we can exert pressure on the organisation to give staff a pay rise. The STUC will be organising another march and rally in Glashow in September as part of their continuing There is a Better Way Campaign (www.thereisabetterway.org). These and other initiatives are vital in showing funders, employers and politicians the impact of low pay and the strength of feeling of our members.

As part of our ongoing campaign for decent pay please sign the enclosed petition which we will submit to the board and encourage others to do so. More copies can be found on our website at: www.unison-mungofoundation.blogspot.com .


Please encourage a non member to come on board, the more members we have the more clout we have. They can join online at www.unison.org.uk/join or by calling 0845 355 0845.

Working Time Directive

We would like to remind members that you cannot be compelled to work more than 48 hours a week on average including sleepovers. We know that due to financial pressures many members look for additional sleepover shifts to make up their wages, we understand this and simply say be careful of your health and keep yourself and others safe. However, there are some staff that are being put on the rota for shifts including sleepovers which take them over the 48 hour average. Please note that you can in no way be forced to work more than 48 hours, if you are on a rota for more than 48 hours in any one week please let UNISON know. You should only work more than 48 hours a week if you have signed an opt out from the Working Time Directive (you can opt back in at any time).

Keep your details up to date

We want to keep in touch with you as much as possible; this is difficult if we don’t have your up-to-date details. Please check your details and update them if necessary. You can do this online at http://www.unison.org.uk/membership/update.asp or by calling 0845 355 0845.